Long Lost Love Reunited

November 01, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Long Lost Love Reunited

Thirty three years ago, at the tender age of 12 and 13, Angela and Fred met at his Pop Warner football game.
Young love ensued and would last for the next two years.
angelaangela fredfred

Then one day Angela's step father abruptly announced they were moving and they were moving right then.
Angela did not even have time to tell Fred she was leaving.
With no ability to control it, she simply disappeared on the unsuspecting 15 year old Fred, seemingly without a trace.

Over the years they never forgot each other . 

But life goes on and both would go on to marry others and have children.
, each would have 3 children, and between the two of them, six grandchildren.

Fast forward 33 years into the future and the advent of social media and shared friends from past lives...and the plot would thicken.

Angela discovers one of her Facebook friends is also friends with the boy that gave her, her very first kiss and her first marriage proposal.

Angela had finally found Fred again.

Not a big social media guy, it took Fred two months to see Angela's friend request and accept it.
But from there they arranged a meeting and the rest, as they say, is history.

I have to admit I love 'long lost love reunited' stories!!!

I am so happy for these two. I know their time apart has only made their reunion all the more sweet.
May the next 33 years find you together and just as in love as you were all those years ago and as you are today.

Eternal love and best wishes to you both,  Nancy Roxanne


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